Partnership Director at Wallet Guard


Web based security tools are easy wins when it comes to your device, data and wallet safety! No installs, accounts, or wallet connections needed.

Quickly discover threats in files BEFORE opening them, unravel phishing links, investigate transactions and even check if your data is leaked on the dark web!

Share and bookmark these EASY wins! Let's jump in ⬇️

VirusTotal 🦠
Did somebody send you a file? Were you told to download an attachment or install a game or use some random software? Use VirusTotal to detect malware & other threats on files before you even open them on your own device.

Unshorten.It ↪️
A lot of services use link shorteners... and a lot of scammers mask links! Drop any link that is sent to you into Unshorten.It before you go to it to reveal its ultimate destination.

Browserling 🌐
Browserling is like a website that opens websites inside of it. This way you are not visiting the website directly on your device; you are using their virtual machine to visit the website for you without putting your own device at risk.

Pentester 🔑
Your data is leaked on the dark web. Pentester lets you scan for breaches related to your accounts! See previously used passwords, if your mobile number is leaked or  sensitive information that threat actors may eventually use against you.

MetaSleuth 🕵️
Investigate your crypto transactions with MetaSleuth! See a readable breakdown of activity on-chain to help investigate authenticity, wallet drains or other metrics across multiple chains.

Honypot.Is 🍯
A honeypot is a smart contract that looks enticing but will prevent you from selling once in it. Use this tool to easily check to see if the contract you are about to interact with is a honeypot before interacting.

Nothing is 100% secure, but with these tools, spreading good information and through education we can get users as close to 100% as possible!

Share official links for popular dApps along with essential web based tools directly in the Wallet Guard dApp Store.

Be sure to check out the Wallet Guard Browser Extension to block wallet drainers, stop scams and to protect your crypto!

Published on
May 23, 2024

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